Date: 2024 08 25
Mount: Losmandy G11 + Gemini 1
Optic; ASKAR FRA300 PRO 60mm F/5
Focale: 300mm - Diameter:60mm
Camera: ZWO ASI 294MC PRO"
Site: Bois de Nefles Saint-Paul 55° 19'54"E / 20° 59'58"S
Seeing: Humidity + Light polution
Capture: 35 x 120 sec Temp: 0 deg
Guidind refractor Svbony 240 mm + ZWO Asi178
Pre processing DOF
Software: OS Ubuntu-Linux - Kstars EKOS INDI- ASTROBERY - PHD guiding - Siril - Gimp
Two giant interstellar clouds in the constellation Sagittarius.
Magnitude: 4,6
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